Hi there!!
Just a few more days left before the event. I'm slowly getting nervous as the days come closer. And... I feel really alone with all this and I just decided I will not ask for help. It's sad. I shouldn't say that, since everyone's reading this blog :P. Well if you read it's okay, as I wanted to share. So if you come on Friday, it would be nice of you. The purpose of that evening is to gather together, to share some photos, to read poetry and hear music. To have a nice time and get to know other people.
However, I'm no robot, I am a human being with feelings and I am honest. If someone doesn't like it, it's their problem, not mine. I'm just honest. No one's inquiring how things are going, no one asks how the preparations are going, as if I'm air??
Others on the other hand a bunch of people are very nice and helping and really trying all to make it all work out. My friends of the English Center are willing to print out the flyer and put it up in their store to hand out. I even saw my other post about my book at their book shop. That's cool :OO =))) Next time I stop by I'll ask them to take a photo of me next to my book :)
Should I translate my poems in German?
Oh this question as been bothering me for a while... You know, this event will take place in Salzburg, in Itzling. I'll recite poetry in English in a German speaking country, so it would be just fine to translate them right? AND of course to explain why I write poetry in English although it's not my mother language. There will be for artists and everyone will share some of his / her "art" on this event. I'll recite for poems and have perhaps 3-4 more also displayed on the wall, framed! :) I want of course, my audience to understand what I'll recite. Though we won't have much time to read out German and English so I'll have to do it in one language. Besides translating the poem, destroys the whole rhythm of the original poem. So translating is not something you can do from one day to the other, or within an our, yes of course you can but the real poem is then someone gone. I don't know. To me it seems a bit strange to read my poems in German as this wasn't the original language I wrote my poems. BUT, I have those 4 translated and will have to figure out how to use them or where or if ...
So pretty much is going on my mind :))
Thanks for reading, I'll get back to you all soon! There's more :O